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In this episode of The Bookkeepers' Podcast, we discussed The Bookkeepers' Content Subscription, our £10 monthly subscription with pre-written content and templates to use for your own social media.

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We discussed the importance of having a marketing strategy as a bookkeeper, how bookkeepers can use different platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to reach potential clients. We discussed having a content plan and being consistent with posting to engage with the audience.

Jo shared her positive experience with using the content subscription service, which provides blog posts, social media captions, and Canva templates. By using this service, she feels more organised and has seen an increased lead flow into her business.

We stress the importance of sharing both professional and personal content to connect with the audience and build credibility. We also discuss how even when bookkeepers have similar content, each person's unique brand and style make their posts stand out.

We'd love for you to check out the content subscription service for a hassle-free and time-saving marketing solution. We encourage bookkeepers to start by creating one core piece of content and then repurposing it for various social media platforms to maintain a consistent online presence, and the Content Subscription is a great way to do this.

Join The Bookkeepers' Content Subscription at

New content is added on 20th of each month.

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We help bookkeepers find clients, make more money and build businesses they love that work for them. We're raising the profile of the bookkeeping profession and bookkeepers worldwide.
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This episode of The Bookkeepers' Podcast is sponsored by Xero. Find out more at:
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