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As part of Bookkeepers' Bootcamp Jo and Zoe will be joined by Charlie Day to talk about how you can still make sales during a recession.

Charlie believes that women, in particular, have the skills needed to excel in sales. They are often natural problem solvers, great listeners and have a talent for building rapport with people. All of these skills are essential in sales. Women also tend to be more empathetic, which helps them understand their customers' needs better.

The key to making sales during a recession is to focus on what the customer needs, rather than just trying to sell them something. People are more cautious with their money during a recession and want to know that they're getting value for their money. Bookkeepers are in a great position to provide that reassurance because they understand the financial aspects of a business.

During the interview we discuss how one of the best ways to get better at sales is to hone your conversation skills. This means being able to listen to what the customer is saying and understanding their needs. It also means being able to explain your products and services in a way that the customer can understand. Charlie believes that the more you practice these skills, the better you'll become at them.

Another key aspect of selling is being able to uncover problems that the customer may not even be aware of. This requires a deep understanding of the customer's business, and being able to ask the right questions.

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