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As part of Bookkeepers' Bootcamp Zoe Whitman was joined by Audio Entrepreneur and Brand Strategist, James Burtt. They will be talking about what bookkeepers need to build their personal brand.

They discussed:
What personal branding is
What the danger is for bookkeepers who don't invest time in their personal brand
Why bookkeepers need to build a personal brand
How bookkeepers can get known
How to use podcasts to raise your profile

Connect with Jo Wood and Zoe Whitman in The 6 Figure Bookkeepers' Club on Facebook at
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The information contained in The Bookkeepers' Podcast is provided for information purposes only. The contents of The Bookkeepers' Podcast is not intended to amount to advice and you should not rely on any of the contents of the Bookkeepers' Podcast. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of the Bookkeepers' Podcast. The 6 Figure Bookkeeper Ltd disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of the Bookkeepers' Podcast.