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The Bookkeepers' Podcast - Episode 170

Why you need to build a brand for your bookkeeping business

In this episode of The Bookkeepers' Podcast, Zoe Whitman and Jo Wood spoke to Penelope Allard of Wild Bookkeeping and Philippa Haynes of Insight 101 about building a professional brand for bookkeeping businesses

When Penelope Allard decided to rename her bookkeeping practice, she and her family spent brainstorming new names. But nothing stuck.

It's one of the biggest branding stumbling blocks that bookkeepers in our community face. Their name. And that's what Penelope was looking for. A name. And that final ingredient a logo.

It's one of the first things we think about when we start out in business. "What will I call myself?". Should you use your own name as the name of your practice, or something meaningful to you? Where do you start?

On this episode of The Bookkeepers Podcast we loved speaking to Penelope Allard about the journey she went on to rebrand as Wild Bookkeeping.We loved learning why her brand is just so her, and what you should consider when naming your own business. We were also joined by Philippa Haynes from Insight 101, who helped Penelope through the branding process using psychology.

We think you'll love this episode. We covered:

Why brand is more than a name and a logo

What is business branding?

What is a personal brand?

Should bookkeepers name their practices after themselves?

What should you call your bookkeeping practice?

The benefits of professional branding for your team and for your clients

Why branding guidelines are important and what they should include

Penelope's journey of rebranding as Wild Bookkeeping

0:00 Introduction
1:02 Penelope Allard's journey
4:25 About Philippa Haynes
7:32 Our expectation that branding is about a logo and a name
9:08 Considerations when choosing a business name
12:47 Why shouldn't you use your own name for your bookkeeping business?
14:12 Why an interesting name can be a conversation starter with prospects
16:29 What's the difference between a business brand and a personal brand
29:40 What Penelope's clients though of the rebrand
32:15 What do you need to consider to build brand guidelines
34:40 Can you do your own branding?

About our guests
Connect with Penelope Allard at
Connect with Philippa Haynes at

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​The information contained in The Bookkeepers' Podcast is provided for information purposes only. The contents of The Bookkeepers' Podcast is not intended to amount to advice and you should not rely on any of the contents of the Bookkeepers' Podcast. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of the Bookkeepers' Podcast. The 6 Figure Bookkeeper Ltd disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of the Bookkeepers' Podcast.