This week we're delighted to be joined by Sarah Newland, Process Strategist from Keyboard Smash. When we start out running our bookkeeping businesses, we just do what we need to do to make things happen, but sometimes the processes we set up aren't quite right, we miss things out or frequently forget steps. This is the time to think about streamlining but that can seem tricky when were already busy with the day to day so in this episode we talk to Sarah about how bookkeepers can:
- find time to systemise your business
- use non-industry specific software to manage monthly task lists and work flows
- use Trello to track leads
- move clients off of your social media channels and into your inbox

Systemising your bookkeeping business is the first step in getting ready to delegate tasks and take on staff so that you can grow your business, and we discuss how having clear processes and workflows can help you work more efficiently and get some time back to do what matters.

On the podcast today we share practical advice for systemising your bookkeeping business which you can start to put into place today and Jo and Zoe share some of their own tips on managing workflows as business owners.

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