The Power of Small Habits - Welcome to the BWCDaily recap from Breakfast with Champions, I'm Ramon Ray, publisher of

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The Power Of Small Habits: How Fasting For Prayer Answers Can Help You Make The Difference In 2023 (Monica Ricci)

Looking at the small things you do daily is as important as the big gestures. Why? Because it is the small habits that eventually make a huge difference in our lives. 


One Day Or Day One? Deciding On A Better Way To Live (Glenn Lundy) 

“One day or day one. You decide.”  Looking back at 2022, you’ll realize that so many things you did were necessary to get you to where you are today. Chances are, most of these things weren’t perfect, but each was necessary.


Setting Goals For The New Year: How To Set Smart New Year’s Resolutions That Stick (Glenn Rudin)

- Take the time to appreciate what you’ve achieved
- Understand why you want to make the change
- Set specific personal goals
- Find an accountability partner
- Write a letter to yourself


Personal Branding Action Plan: 7 Effective Ways To Make Your Video Viral (Ramon)

Video is a powerful marketing tool if you implement it as part of your personal branding action plan. 


The Importance Of Business Systems And Why You Need To Implement Them To Succeed (Dre Baldwin)

A system is a list of activities or task that help us achieve an intended result, such as a personal plan or business growth. It should be clear, simple, and understandable. 


What’s Your Mindset: How To Get 2023 Off To A Good Start (David Spisak)

- Attitude towards life
- Efforts in the relentless pursuit of living your very best life.
- Intentions.


The Power Of Conscious Discipline: 3 Discipline Strategies Tips (Krystalore Crews)

Maybe you are going and growing through something hoping to come out of the other side soon. Coming out on the other side will take conscious discipline, and you may have to start over and rebuild your consistency and values. 


7 Useful Tips To Help You Ace An Interview And Improve Your Cash Flow (Trevor Houston)

- Start with a mental dress rehearsal
- Create the perfect playlist
- Give yourself a pep talk
- Prepare for the worst
- Adopt a millionaire mindset
- Plan what’s coming up next
- Surround yourself with positive people 
- How to ace an interview like a pro


All You Can Do Is All You Can Do: Doing Your Best To Live A Productive Life (Matt McHale)