How to Live Through a Recession and more tips from

This is the BWCDaily Recap from Breakfast with Champions. 

I'm Ramon Ray publisher of

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It’s Time To Set Yourself Up For Success: 3 Goals To Set For Yourself
by Dora Maria Abreu

Create a calendar for your goals. 

The first thing you need to do is list the goals you want to set for yourself to fulfill your purpose. Next, make a calendar with the actions you need to undertake every day for the week. Create a vision board with a list of goals you wish to accomplish for the year. Split these goals into different months and put them on the calendar. Split these monthly objectives further into weeks and put that on the calendar. Finally, you’ll have a to-do list of activities you need to accomplish daily throughout the year.


Getting From Good To Great: The Power Of The Long Game
by Christin Kingsbury

The first step to going from good to great in life is to change how you look at your finances. So many people go through life without thinking about their finances. They work, get a paycheck, pay some bills and spend the rest. Or they may have a small saving and look at it occasionally, but they don’t apply strategy to their decisions. To change your financial situation, you must become a student of wealth and make decisions like a business owner.

Do a reality check of where you are right now. 
What are your assets? 
What’s your net worth? 
What are some things that you can do to improve it? 
What are some simple systems and simple habits to create? 
What income activities are you doing, or can you add? 


The Power Of Human Connection: 3 Ways To Find And Strengthen Social Connection - by Monica Ricci

Be present 
Another thing you can do is make time for people to see you, like your friends. When that happens, be present with them. Keep your phone away (not down). 

How to create social connections if you are an introvert?
Introverts might find the prospect of creating human connection dreadful, especially because reaching out to people and having conversations doesn’t come naturally to them. However, if you are an introvert, you can use these other methods to create and foster human connection:

Use people’s names as often as you can to ease tension. 
Practice what it is you want to say.
Use your job to meet people who share your interests so you can talk about them.
Research the kind of space you’ll be entering and prepare yourself ahead of time so that it won’t feel too strange or new. 


The Things We Take For Granted: How To Get Through The Lows Of Life - by Barbara Majeski

How do we live and not fall into the gloom of life?
Sometimes you must surrender to the universe’s fate conspiring in your favor. When it rains, it pours, and you might feel overwhelmed. At that moment, own up to where you are now. Accept it and keep your feet firm. Believe that it is a phase that will pass because it will. Confusion is often an accomplice of low times, but you don’t have to be confused; these three guides help you get your feet back up.


Getting Started With 2023 The Right Way: Show Up For Yourself - by Mary Lynn Wilkin

- Stay organized to boost your productivity
- Get an accountability partner
- Stretch or move
- Practice healthy living


Keep Moving Forward: How To Live Through A Recession 
by Brian Benstock

- Invest wisely and not with sentiments
- Look around for the things you have that are assets or liabilities
- Get new skills


First Impressions Lead To Success: How To Present Yourself To Make An Impact
by Glenn Rudin

Your business thrives on your ability to make the right first impressions when networking, on social media, and with your customers. We are all products, but the difference is we get to label and package ourselves how we want. We need to make our value known. The way you present yourself matters. You have to present yourself properly to optimize your opportunities in business. You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression.


How To Turn Your Life Around: 18 Growth Strategies To Add Perspective To Your Life
by Amilya Antonetti

You may need to turn your life around at times in order to achieve your goals and live a purposeful life. Additionally, it can help you to overcome challenges and obstacles that may be holding you back. Turning your life around can also enable you to develop new skills and qualities that can benefit you in the long term. Every effective growth strategy is backed by the right ingredients that guarantee monumental growth.

You have to dig deeper to find your gifts and shine your light. You may have some ideas lying dormant and unexplored in your mind because you haven’t used the ingredients to get there.

How to turn your life around: useful growth strategies to scale in life