Thank you for joining us on Breakfast With Champions! Today we hear from Bill Hauser, the CEO of the SMB Team, speaker, (newly married) husband, marketing magician, and dirtbike enthusiast. In the last four years, Bill has scaled his law firm growth company – SMB Team – to 300% Year-over-Year growth. But it wasn't always that way. Bill's entrepreneurial spirit was influenced by the 2008 recession that hit his family's business like a ton of bricks. With no shield or plan to protect against the crash, his family quickly lost everything,... filing for bankruptcy and eventually resulting in his parent's divorce. From those trying times, Bill set out on a mission to recession-proof each and every business he could touch so that no business owner would ever experience that same pain again.
The SMB Team is the fastest growing business-growth company in the legal industry. Providing cutting-edge digital marketing services, premiere legal marketing coaching, and industry-shattering online education. Servicing hundreds of clients in the legal industry, the SMB Team's mission is to help 10,000 business owners 10X their businesses.