Previous Episode: West Highland Way

Recipe courtesy of Chris Cosentino

Roasted Brussels Sprouts & Black garlic Bagna Cauda

Let’s be honest a lot of the experiences of Brussels Sprouts have been lackluster at best. This one takes this not so loved vegetable and turns it into the star of the show.

Serving size 4-6

1 Brussels Sprout Stalk

2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

Kosher Salt

Black pepper, fresh ground

Aleppo chili

For dipping: Black Garlic Bagna Cauda (see recipe below)

Bring a tall pot of salted water to boil, while waiting for the pot of water to boil remove any ugly leaves or empty stems still attached to the stalk. Pre heat the oven to 500 Degree’s, once the water is boiling stick the bottom end of the stalk in and let blanch for 5 minutes, be sure to turn it as some of the sprouts will be just above the water. Repeat this same process for the top half of the stalk be sure to test the sprouts with a squeeze, they will give a bit and feel tender but not mushy.  Transfer the stalk to a sheet pan with a piece of parchment paper or nonstick pad, drizzle the stalk with extra virgin olive oil while still warm then season with the salt, Aleppo & fresh ground black pepper.

Place in the pre heated oven for 15 minutes rotating the stalk to get even color and crispiness all over the stalk. You will know it’s done; the aroma will be amazing and the Brussels Sprouts with be caramelized and be crispy. Remove from the oven and transfer to a serving tray, set on the table a few dipping items for the Sprouts then carve it like a turkey making the Sprout Stalk the star.

Black Garlic Bagna Cauda

Serves 10

4 each salted anchovy filets

¼ [one quarter] cup white anchovy fillets

¼ cup lemon juice

Micro plane Zest from 1 lemon

6 cloves black garlic

1 cup extra virgin olive oil

½  cup olive oil

freshly ground black pepper

Kosher salt

Soak the salted anchovies in cold water to remove the excess salt and allow for easier filleting.  Fillet all of the anchovies, discarding the bones and guts. In a blender combine all the ingredients and blend until smooth. Adjust the seasoning with salt and pepper to taste. Then serve warm with the roasted Brussels Sprouts stalk.