Not sure how it’s possible that it’s October, but we are here for you and all your fall movie needs on Breakfast All Day. Christy, Matt and Alonso review the “Sopranos” prequel “The Many Saints of Newark,” the American remake of the Danish thriller “The Guilty” and a couple of timely documentaries that cover some similar ground: “Controlling Britney Spears” on Hulu and “Britney vs. Spears” on Netflix. In news, Scarlett Johansson settles with Disney over her “Black Widow” lawsuit, a judge suspends Britney Spears‘ father Jamie as her conservator, wild boars attack Shakira in Barcelona, The Academy Museum opens in L.A., Lori Loughlin returns to work after doing time in the college admissions scandal, and Christy tell the boys about going to see Devo with her husband and son — their first concert since the pandemic began. She also tells them a bit about the IMAX screening she and Nic attended of “Venom: Let There Be Carnage,” which we’ll have a Marvel Mondays review of next week. And over at our Patreon, we recap this week’s crazy episodes of both “Ted Lasso” and “The Morning Show” on Apple TV+. Thanks for joining us!