God judged this Nation once, and he will again. How quickly we forget. I thought it was never forget, but we did. No one even reads the Bible anymore, they think it is a book of made up storie…but ok?! and the Book of Mormon is real? Have you read how the book of mormon was transcribed? he astral projected. Enough said. They worship aliens. Not the real Yeshua. Many will come in his name. You are just mad because everything I said that would come true is coming true. People are either good or bad there is no in between. Deep down we know God knows the truth, and that is why I have no fear. It must suck to be a liar in 2022. You would have to be an idiot not to be able to find out the truth about someone. our father is the king of kings. We don’t need Trump. He is taking way too long. He said a big ball of fire. He promised never to use water again, after the flood.(I am talking about God. For the retards in the back.