Next Episode: Case Study Review

Join us as Jim Oliver welcomes Yonah Weiss, an Israel-based cost segregation expert, as they discuss the multiple tax benefits in owning real estate. 

Yonah Weiss is a self-described "powerhouse" with property owners' tax savings. Through cost segregation, Yonah has assisted clients in saving tens of millions of dollars. 

Yonah is a Cost Segregation Expert at Madison SPECS, which has done over 14,000 cost segregation studies covering all 50 states. The result of this effort is a whopping savings number, currently totaling over $3 billion.

If you’d like to learn more about cost segregation, the various tax deductions real estate brings, or how to build your online presence through LinkedIn, visit or listen in on his podcast


Books Mentioned in this Episode:

Thou Shall Prosper by Rabbi Daniel Lapin

The Way of God: Derech Hashem by Moshe Chaim Luzzatto


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