In This Episode:

At CreateTailwind, the overarching goal is to help people free themselves from financial slavery, the banking system, wall street, and government control of money. Jim Oliver and Nick Kosko are constantly on the hunt for the next best thing they can do to make this message clearer and serve their clients. And they have been working for a while now on something that will make that happen. So what is the answer?

After setting out on a journey to better serve their audience, Jim and Nick share a long-awaited announcement in this episode and introduce you to the next stage of CreateTailwind: the community and app. There is something for everybody inside this community, and it is an incredible resource to help you grow and serve others, as well as being a place for you to connect with like-minded people, learn about topics you don’t yet know, and have your questions answered.

Whether you are a current client, a prospective client, or somebody who is just trying to educate themselves, this is the resource for you. Tune in this week to find out what the app will entail, the amazing content you can expect inside it, and what Jim and Nick are most excited about for this next phase of the company.

join the new community:

Book Mentioned in This Episode:


Becoming Your Own Banker by Nelson Nash


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Facebook: CreateTailwind & Jim Oliver



LinkedIn: Jim Oliver