In this episode of Breakaway Wealth, host Jim Oliver engages in a thoughtful conversation with guest Rick Yvanovich, who is a master-qualified business coach, author and financial expert. Together, they dig into ideas around finding your direction and making conscious choices, which isn’t always easy in this noisy world. 

Tune in to hear how they break it down!     

3 Key Takeaways:

Become the Architect of Your Life: You are your brand, and every decision that you make crafts your unique story. Start making choices that construct the life you want to build. 

Get a Map: If you are here, and you want to get there. Are you willing to do what it takes to get there or are you waiting for someone else to get you there? 

Find Clarity in the Chaos: A lot is happening in the world. It’s easy to get lost in confusion and chaos, even feel stuck. Find a coach that can help you clear the clutter and chart your course. 

Tune in to this episode of Breakaway Wealth to gain practical insights from Rick Yvanovich. You’ll benefit from his careful wisdom and unique way of understanding the world.

Question: What small, positive change or discipline can you commit to today that, if consistently practiced over time, could lead to significant improvement in your life or work?