How do you step away from your business for a necessary break without losing momentum or compromising your values?

Deciding to take a leave or sabbatical, and then figuring out the best approach for you, how to maintain client relationships while you're away, or even ensuring you have enough financial security during your break are all complex challenges that many of us face.

As part of my exploration of breaks, leaves, and sabbaticals and all of the different ways you can plan for them, I’m talking to Erica Courdae and India Jackson, the partners behind Pause on the Play, a resource library, podcast, and consultancy committed to guiding individuals in defining their values, diversifying their networks, and disrupting systems of oppression.

India has just returned from parental leave after having her first child. Together, she and Erica have navigated the operational and financial complexities of planning for leave, including their decision to shut down the Pause on the Play Community.

While the context of Erica and India's experience is parental leave, the strategies they employed are universally applicable. Their unique approach to planning and managing their leave can be a practical guide for anyone considering a break from their business.

Listen to the full episode to hear:

How a desire for openness, simplicity, and sustainability shaped their conversations about the business even before planning for India’s parental leaveHow Erica and India went about simplifying processes and closing loops with their clients and community leading up to going on leaveHow the business maintained some revenue during leave, and how they planned an on-ramp for India’s return How joy and ease are informing their decision-making as they return to full operationsWhy they have clear containers around what platforms they use to discuss work and personal lifeHow they are building opportunities to connect with their communities as people without always making it about work

Learn more about Erica Courdae and India Jackson:

Pause on the PlayInstagram: @pauseontheplay

Learn more about me, Susan Boles:

Beyond MarginsConnect on LinkedIn

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