Dr Tracy Gapin - Male 2.0: Cracking the Code to Limitless Health and Vitality - Dr. Tracy Gapin focuses on precision medicine. This is a more holistic approach to healing, and better staying healthier and maintaining that health and fitness through a greater understanding of what one needs to get and stay well. He combines his compassion and extensive experience with men’s health care and cutting-edge technology to offer patients individualized, state-of-the-art care. Check out the - In this ep, Dr. Tracy instructs on how we can get through the holiday season, reduce alcohol to stabilize hormones among other things, how naps can be useless if you don’t have a good night’s sleep, only eating food that grows in the ground or has a mother, having a “why” to change your lifestyle and more. Get Dr. Gapin's new book Male 2.0 on Please support the Break It Down Show by doing a monthly subscription to the show  All of the money you invest goes directly to supporting the show! Haiku Reduce alcohol Eat clean, sugar is poison Have a why in life Similar episodes: - -  -  Join us in supporting Save the Brave as we battle PTSD.  Executive Producer/Host: Pete A Turner  Producer: Damjan Gjorgjiev  The Break It Down Show is your favorite best, new podcast, featuring 5 episodes a week with great interviews highlighting world-class guests from a wide array of shows.