Michael “Mike” Morawski is a 30+ year real estate investment veteran and the founder of my core intentions.

Mike is an entrepreneur, author, public speaker, and personal coach with a deep desire to help others live an extraordinary life.

He has controlled over $285,000,000 in real estate transactions.

Mike had an incredible life journey and he has coached hundreds of real estate investors to fulfill their dreams.

Michael began as a general contractor in the Northwest Suburbs of Chicago with $5 mm in annual revenue. He sold his company and then took some time off to decide what to do next.

Michael entered the real estate industry as a sales agent building a team of agents and support staff that produced over $20 mm per year in sales production.

In 2005, Michael started a private equity firm, raising $18 mm in private equity and acquired $60 mm in multi-family apartments including 4,000 units in five different US markets. As part of the company’s growth, Mike built and developed a property management division that managed 7,500 units.

Mike has always believed that transparency and honesty are central to any successful business and personal life. As a result of the 2008 world economic crisis, Mike let his guard down and let his transparency slip. The impact that had on his company and its real estate holdings left him scrambling to protect the company and its investors.

Due to the market climate, he found himself in a defensive mode operating out of chaos and fear. In an attempt to protect his company’s investors, Mike had to make difficult business decisions. Some of those decisions were handled poorly.  As a result of those poor decisions, the company imploded and Mike faced wire and mail fraud charges which lead to a 10-year federal prison sentence.

To read more about his story, you can read the full story in the Journal of Business Ethics titled: Multi-Family Ventures, LLC and the 2008 Financial Crisis: Ethical Decisions Regarding Keeping the Board Informed.