In response to a listener's question, we try to work out why we still bother with faith and the church, despite everything we moan about on every podcast. We have tried out very best to be positive this week, but theres still plenty of complaining and being annoyed, because we are grumpy leftists.

Find us here:
Facebook –
Twitter – @Bread_Rosaries
Email – [email protected]
Adam – @CommieXian

Our theme song is good morning by Amine Maxwell, available here:
It is licensed under CC BY 3.0 -

Our outro is Leap of Faith by Mr Jukes.

Christians for Palestine:
Email: [email protected]

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Everything Bread and Rosaries does will be free for everyone forever, but it does cost money to produce so if you wish to support the show on Patreon, we'd love you forever!

Music credits at this link

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