Recorded from War Room Studios in Albuquerque, NM : 10/10/17

This episode brought to you by Tasty Minstrel GamesBoardGameTables.comArcane Wonders & Meeple Realty.  Brandon has a little issue with a round vegetable, and Josh takes great joy in his misery.  Josh pays the piper by canceling "THEN" (bets are bad, kids.). Interviews with Lance "Undead Viking" Myxter from Tasty Minstrel Games and Evan Derrick of Van Ryder Games are the highlight of this episode.  We talk about our "advance screening" and present our Detective City of Angels review.  Did you know that Wrigley Field was originally in Los Angeles??!  We wrap up the show by listing our #31-40 favorite games... These are clearly the BEST board games (at least according to the Brawling Brothers).

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Episode Timeline:

00:00:00 - This episode sponsored by Tasty Minstrel GamesBoardGameTables.comArcane Wonders & Meeple Realty

00:00:44 - Intro and Banter

00:09:54 - Board Game Tables . com - Building the Premiere Board Game Table

00:11:24 - TNT: Then - A SHORT one!

00:13:47 - TNT: Now

00:34:53 - TNT: Tomorrow - Featuring Guardian's Call

00:49:20 - TNT: Tomorrow - Interview with Lance "Undead Viking" Myxter of Tasty Minstrel Games

01:17:17 - Meeple Realty crafts long ships for A Feast For Odin

01:19:05 - Detective City of Angels Review + Designer Interview

01:57:06 - Arcane Wonders expands the world of Sheriff of Nottingham

01:57:55 - Feature Segment: Best Board Games according to the Brawling Brothers #31-40

Game Timestamps:

Arkham Horror - 02:11:00
Blood Bowl - 02:05:23
Blood Rage - 02:23:30
Cacao - 00:20:44
Camel Up - 02:07:12
Castle Panic - 02:21:20
Detective City of Angels Review - 01:19:05
Downfall - 00:51:50
Dune - 01:08:30
Eldritch Horror - 02:32:10
Euphoria - 01:59:10
Five Tribes - 02:41:05
Ginkgopolis - 02:30:30
Guardian's Call - 00:40:45
Imperial - 00:27:15
Imperial 2030 - 00:27:15
Lorenzo di Magnifico - 00:14:30
Mare Nostrum - 02:16:20
Memoir 44 - 02:43:30
Mice & Mystics - 02:18:20
Pillars of the Earth - 02:38:40
Puerto Rico - 02:08:10
RWBY - 00:34:53
Rex: Final Days of an Empire - 01:12:35
Secret Hitler - 02:27:40
Star Wars: Edge of the Empire - 02:33:40
Stuffed Fables - 02:20:10
The Grizzled - 02:25:25
Thunderstone - 02:37:10
Transatlantic - 00:32:55
Trickerion - 02:13:55
Twilight Imperium - 02:01:58