Recorded from War Room Studios in Albuquerque, NM : 3/14/17

This episode brought to you by Tasty Minstrel, and Meeple Realty - We asked and our you listened - we got PLENTY of recreations of the Love Boat theme and we share the best one with you.  We make our itunes review bet EVEN juicer... Help us embarrass ourselves!  We discuss our run through the latest New Mexico Escape Room scenario, Family Jewel. Brandon recaps his recent trip to Utah for Saltcon - including a burger topped with pastrami, a trip to Mayday Games Headquarters and proof that Toyota Prius can reach speeds in excess of 95mph. James Hudson of Druid City Games joins us to talk about his exciting new kickstarter, Grimm Forest and tells you how to win a $500 shopping spree from Funagain Games.  Cat joins us to take Questions from the Hat, and reveals her poetic side.


Episode Timeline:

00:00:00 - This episode sponsored by Tasty Minstrel, & Meeple Realty

00:00:46 - Intro and Banter

00:07:00 - Love Boat Theme Song

00:10:42 - iTunes Review Bet Modification (Addition!)

00:17:30 - The Family Jewel at NM Escape Room

00:24:55 - - The premiere accessory in boardgaming

00:26:11 - 2016 Golden Geek Followup

00:32:15 - BGG Guild Checkin

00:40:30 - A very special MAIL CALL

00:44:44 - A Grail Game Reprint? Colosseum by Tasty Minstrel Games - Available Now!

00:47:07 - SaltCon Recap with special thanks to Mayday Games

01:42:00 - Druid City Games talks Grimm Forest

02:07:44 - Meeple Realty built a MUCH NEEDED insert for Gloomhaven and we love it!

02:11:05 - Feature Segment : Questions from the Hat with Cat


Game Timestamps:

Anachrony - 01:15:35
Arkham Horror LCG - 01:04:30
Clank - 01:35:40
Control - 01:24:10
Dead Mans Draw - 01:20:00
Empires of the Void II - 01:31:40
Energy Empire - 01:01:04
Great Western Trail - 01:33:40
Grimm Forest - 01:44:10
Mythos Tales - 00:51:44
New Angeles - 01:09:20
Terraforming Mars - 01:20:20
Yggdrasil - 01:22:18