My guest this week is Bianca Tavella the founder and CEO of Fair Shot, a registered charity & unique social enterprise cafe which is her response to the unbearably high unemployment rate amongst adults with learning disabilities - at a staggering 95%. 

Via a year-long training programme & follow on employment programme young adults with learning disabilities have a secure pathway into paid sustainable employment.

There are people making waves everywhere. Waves that uproot the old broken ways and breathe new better ways into being. Walk down Slingsby Place in Covent Garden, central London and there you have activism in action.  

This is where Bianca has created her cafe, a place of biodiversity, a rich exchange of different people bringing different qualities to a space that feels calm and cheerful.

The impact Fair Shot is having on people is truly immeasurable. They have had trainees that have started speaking, that have smiled for the first time, that have left their house for the first time since the pandemic started, trainees that have made friends for the first time, gotten their first ever paycheck, worked as part of a team and felt useful for the very first time in their lives. 

There is no way to describe the impact other than saying that they are giving their trainees a chance to have everything that they deserve - the basic right to aspire to a career. 

What that does to your mental health is limitless. 

Thank you so much Bianca for doing so much to create a society where adults with learning disabilities have an equal and fair chance at obtaining and maintaining employment. 

When we live by the ethics of People Care, Planet Care & Fair Share, we give ourselves the resilience to create a brighter future. 

You can find out more about Bianca’s work on and follow her on Linkedin @biancatavella 

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Lou is the founder of Brave New Girl Media, helping you  unlock your creativity, find your superpower and put your story in the spotlight to help others. BNGM enables you to showc

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Lou is the founder of Brave New Girl Media, producer & creative coach helping leaders amplify their influence & impact.

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Books by Lou Hamilton:

Dare to Share- International bestselling guide to podcast guesting FEAR LESS- coaching guide to living more bravely Brave New Girl- How to be Fearless Co-author: Women Excelling Everywhere #1 International Best-seller

Paintings by Lou @LouHamiltonart