Marisa Heath is the CEO of Plant Based Alliance UK, founded by Oatly, Alpro, The Vegan Society, Upfield and ProVeg UK, as a coalition of civil society groups & businesses with a collective aim of making the UK a global leader in plant-based food & drink.

All these businesses and increasingly more as others join them, have decided to resist the stigma of being different, and stand up together to speak out for what they believe in.

Food systems account for one-third of greenhouse gas emissions globally & plant-based foods are a hugely impactful way of ensuring our food choices are sustainable in the future.

They believe that “A shift towards plant-based will be vital in achieving the Government’s net zero target by 2050”.

Marisa believes it takes courage to 

- stand out and be different
- speaking out on the need for change despite the opposition
- for being a leader in reform

Thank you Marisa for giving us a straightforward way to reduce green house emissions by adopting a plant-based diet, either partially or completely, and thereby contribute to helping getting Britain to net zero by 2050.

Thanks also for showing us that making plant-based food choices can positively impact people and the planet, for future generations to come. 

You can find out more about Marisa’s work on and follow her on Linkedin @PBFoodAlliance


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Lou is the founder of Brave New Girl Media, helping you  unlock your creativity, find your superpower and put your story in the spotlight to help others. BNGM enables you to showcase your vision and supercharge your impact in the world.

Music by Melody Loop

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Lou is the founder of Brave New Girl Media, producer & creative coach helping leaders amplify their influence & impact.

INSPIRATION: Brave New Girls podcast- healthy life, healthy planet.

SUPPORT: Transformational 6 session 1:1 coaching programme and our holistic, healthy, heart-led eco-retreats

GROWTH: amplify your voice, vision & values with your own podcast
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Books by Lou Hamilton:

Dare to Share- International bestselling guide to podcast guesting FEAR LESS- coaching guide to living more bravely Brave New Girl- How to be Fearless Co-author: Women Excelling Everywhere #1 International Best-seller

Paintings by Lou @LouHamiltonart