What are the secrets to advance healing in the regenerative medicine space, and how hard is it to stick your guns, stand by your values and vision in this industry?

If you’re interested in finding out about how advanced regenerative medicine is being used to acute wounds and burns in hospitals with potential to move into other areas of healthcare in the future, listen  to this episode with Danielle Fette, founder of FetTech, who have a FDA cleared medical device designed to help the most severely injured that would ordinarily have trouble healing, with unlimited potential for much more. 

But it's not been an easy ride. Charting a new path, at the frontier of modern medicine rustles feathers. As an entrepreneur you will never have an exact plan or how to do everything, just talk through things, brainstorm with people you trust and try but learn how to pivot quickly it’s how you adapt to and how quickly you can pivot.  

If you want to know how you can access the best medicine for your own condition, the Danielle has got some tips for you.

Danielle's business is aimed at advancing healing technology and setting the stage to change the healthcare landscape forever. She shows us that wherever we’re at we always have the potential to push and pivot the envelope further for the benefit of humankind. 

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Follow her @brave_newgirl on Instagram 

PS. Stress, overwhelm and anxiety are becoming an epidemic. I work with my creative coaching CARE model to help you transform your life for the better.

Support the Show.

Lou is the founder of Brave New Girl Media, producer & creative coach helping leaders amplify their influence & impact. https://bravenewgirlmedia.com

INSPIRATION: Brave New Girls podcast- healthy life, healthy planet.

SUPPORT: Transformational 6 session 1:1 coaching programme and our holistic, healthy, heart-led eco-retreats

GROWTH: amplify your voice, vision & values with your own podcast
Podcast production service

Podcast planning workbook
Podcast Guesting course

Get in contact to book a 30 minute discovery call with Lou.

Books by Lou Hamilton:

Dare to Share- International bestselling guide to podcast guesting FEAR LESS- coaching guide to living more bravely Brave New Girl- How to be Fearless Co-author: Women Excelling Everywhere #1 International Best-seller

Paintings by Lou @LouHamiltonart