Natalie Fée is an award-winning environmentalist, author of 'How to Save the World for Free' and 'Do Good, Get Paid', speaker and founder of City to Sea, a UK-based organisation running high-impact campaigns to stop plastic pollution at source for which she won the Sunday Times Volvo Visionaries Award, and the Sheila McKechnie Award for Environmental Justice.

With City to Sea their  primary campaigns are ‘Refill‘, Europe’s leading free tapwater initiative; ‘Switch the Stick‘, their successful cotton bud campaign run in 2016/17 which called on all UK retailers to switch from plastic to paper stem buds, stopping over 400 tonnes a year of single-use plastic at source and ‘Plastic-free Periods’ which to date has directly reached over 4 million people and includes a schools programme currently being rolled out in the England and Wales. 
These campaigns show us that that when we look at what we use in everyday life, and clean up our act, we can make good choices that help, rather than harm, the environment.


You can find out more about her work on

And follow her on Instagram @nataliefee_


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Follow her @brave_newgirl on Instagram and get her books Brave New Girl- How to be Fearless, FEAR LESS and her Internationally Bestselling book DARE TO SHARE on Amazon or Waterstones or Barnes & Noble. UK & US versions available.

Lou is the founder of Brave New Girl Media, helping you  unlock your creativity, find your superpower and put your story in the spotlight to help others. BNGM enables you to showcase your vision and supercharge your impact in the world. .

Music by Melody Loop

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Lou is the founder of Brave New Girl Media, producer & creative coach helping leaders amplify their influence & impact.

INSPIRATION: Brave New Girls podcast- healthy life, healthy planet.

SUPPORT: Transformational 6 session 1:1 coaching programme and our holistic, healthy, heart-led eco-retreats

GROWTH: amplify your voice, vision & values with your own podcast
Podcast production service

Podcast planning workbook
Podcast Guesting course

Get in contact to book a 30 minute discovery call with Lou.

Books by Lou Hamilton:

Dare to Share- International bestselling guide to podcast guesting FEAR LESS- coaching guide to living more bravely Brave New Girl- How to be Fearless Co-author: Women Excelling Everywhere #1 International Best-seller

Paintings by Lou @LouHamiltonart