How can we stop seeing plants as simply a “green blur” and take an interest in their conservation?

If you’re interested in the natural world around us and how we can conserve it for the future, listen to my guest DR Erin Zimmerman Phd evolutionary biologist, science writer, botany illustrator and author of Unrooted. She argues for the need to save plant species as part of helping preserve the rich ecosystem of the planet. 

Her story to address two parallel losses she saw occurring that she thinks need far more attention than they get: the loss of the tools and expertise needed to find and understand new species via the underfunding of natural history research and collections, and the loss of talented female scientists as they become mothers and find that a career in research doesn’t allow for their caregiving responsibilities. 

In the end she chose to become a science writer where she could have impact in sharing her knowledge more broadly whilst raising a family at the same time.

Her book benefits people and the planet by shining a light on the dire state of plant biodiversity, the need to see plants as more than a pretty backdrop, and how people who care about plants can help, even if they don’t have a background in science.

She helps us be brave and to engage even when the problem is big, by realising that there are smaller ways for us all to help.


You can find out more about Erin’s work on

And follow her on Linkedin @erinzimmerman

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PS. Stress, overwhelm and anxiety are becoming an epidemic. I work with my creative coaching CARE model to help you transform your life for the better.

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Lou is the founder of Brave New Girl Media, producer & creative coach helping leaders amplify their influence & impact.

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Books by Lou Hamilton:

Dare to Share- International bestselling guide to podcast guesting FEAR LESS- coaching guide to living more bravely Brave New Girl- How to be Fearless Co-author: Women Excelling Everywhere #1 International Best-seller

Paintings by Lou @LouHamiltonart