My guest this week is Dr Easkey Britton, author of ‘Saltwater in the Blood’ & ‘Ebb and Flow’, Five times Irish National Surfing Champion & 2006 British pro-tour champion & a fully qualified marine social scientist and research consultant, with Ph.D in Environment and Society, contributing her expertise in ocean health & social wellbeing to research projects including the EU-funded Horizon2020 project on Seas, Oceans and Public Health in Europe.

Easkey talks about understanding our human relationship with nature, especially water and the ocean and how to look at it and explore how we might restore our connection with water from the perspective of our health and well-being.

From surfing and travelling, her experience left her uncertain about what are we giving back. What impact or footprint was she leaving in her wake, and wanting to better understand what was going on in this whole incredible eco-system all around her, below her. 

She’s always kept a journal traveling and so has always written, traveling solo- reflective practice. Ebb and Flo is her third book. It's a real evolution from first book Salt water in the blood which was more of a memoir- this one goes broader and deeper with water not just the ocean- and shows that wherever you are on this planet you can be connected to water. 

As a blue health scientist of those interconnections of she asks how our health and wellbeing is dependent on that of the water bodies around us, and looking at ways that we might activate or restore those connections in our everyday lives.

Her vision is that we learn or relearn to live in a more ecological way of being where nature isn’t just some kind of frill or add on in our everyday lives.

Thanks Dr Easkey for leading at the edge of the wave to help ensure the safe-keeping of our seas and rivers, so that we too may lead healthful lives as part of the living systems of nature on Planet Earth.

You can find out more about Dr Easkey’s work on

And follow her on Instagram @easkeysurf

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Books by Lou Hamilton:

Dare to Share- International bestselling guide to podcast guesting FEAR LESS- coaching guide to living more bravely Brave New Girl- How to be Fearless Co-author: Women Excelling Everywhere #1 International Best-seller

Paintings by Lou @LouHamiltonart