With the Ready For Anything series behind us, we're jumping right in to Season Three of the podcast! For this season, we're going to play with the format—making it shorter, sweeter, and (hopefully) even more helpful.
Before the pandemic, many of our technologies, markets, and institutions had what Douglas Rushkoff calls an "antihuman agenda." Today, the limitations of that agenda are showing.
In this episode of Brave New Work, Aaron Dignan and Rodney Evans speak with Douglas about how our economic and social operating systems need to change (and are changing) to meet this moment.

Learn more about Douglas at his website and on LinkedIn.
Learn more about Team Human at the website or by listening to the Team Human podcast.

Mentioned references:

Team Human - Douglas Rushkoff

Get Back In The Box - Douglas Rushkoff

Jack Welch, Chairman and CEO of GE

Throwing Rocks at the Google Bus - Douglas Rushkoff

Bullshit Jobs - David Graeber

“The Bilderberg Group”

Ricardo Semler's quote


Skunk Works

Norman Vincent Peale and The Power of Positive Thinking

Our book is available now at bravenewwork.com
We want to hear from you. Send your thoughts and feedback to [email protected]
Looking for some help with your own transformation? Visit theready.com

With the Ready For Anything series behind us, we're jumping right in to Season Three of the podcast! For this season, we're going to play with the format—making it shorter, sweeter, and (hopefully) even more helpful.

Before the pandemic, many of our technologies, markets, and institutions had what Douglas Rushkoff calls an "antihuman agenda." Today, the limitations of that agenda are showing.

In this episode of Brave New Work, Aaron Dignan and Rodney Evans speak with Douglas about how our economic and social operating systems need to change (and are changing) to meet this moment.

Learn more about Douglas at his website and on LinkedIn.

Learn more about Team Human at the website or by listening to the Team Human podcast.

Mentioned references:

Team Human - Douglas Rushkoff
Get Back In The Box - Douglas Rushkoff
Jack Welch, Chairman and CEO of GE
Throwing Rocks at the Google Bus - Douglas Rushkoff
Bullshit Jobs - David Graeber
“The Bilderberg Group”
Ricardo Semler's quote
Skunk Works
Norman Vincent Peale and The Power of Positive Thinking


Our book is available now at bravenewwork.com

We want to hear from you. Send your thoughts and feedback to [email protected]

Looking for some help with your own transformation? Visit theready.com

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