When starting something new, most of us tend to research, analyze, plan, and procrastinate. Because we don't want to fail. We don't want to be exposed as imposters. And we don't want to take big risks. But in novel and complex spaces, that strategy doesn't help, it only slows us down without increasing our odds. Instead, we need to start by starting and learn by doing so that our ideas can make contact with reality as soon as possible. 

In this episode of Brave New Work, Aaron Dignan and Rodney Evans explore how to get on with it—by starting small and working iteratively—so that more good things make it out into the world. And speaking of good things, later they're are joined by Ben Kaufman, founder and CEO of the revolutionary toy store CAMP, who shares why he feels compelled to start impossible projects, and how he rushes in before all the reasons he shouldn't overwhelm him.

Learn more about Ben on LinkedIn and Twitter.
Learn more about CAMP at their website.

Resources mentioned:
-"The Marshmallow Test" from Tom Wujec's 2010 TedTalk "Build a tower, build a team":

Our book is available now at bravenewwork.com
We want to hear from you. Send your guest ideas and feedback to [email protected]
Looking for some help with your own transformation? Visit theready.com

When starting something new, most of us tend to research, analyze, plan, and procrastinate. Because we don't want to fail. We don't want to be exposed as imposters. And we don't want to take big risks. But in novel and complex spaces, that strategy doesn't help, it only slows us down without increasing our odds. Instead, we need to start by starting and learn by doing so that our ideas can make contact with reality as soon as possible. 

In this episode of Brave New Work, Aaron Dignan and Rodney Evans explore how to get on with it—by starting small and working iteratively—so that more good things make it out into the world. And speaking of good things, later they're are joined by Ben Kaufman, founder and CEO of the revolutionary toy store CAMP, who shares why he feels compelled to start impossible projects, and how he rushes in before all the reasons he shouldn't overwhelm him.

Learn more about Ben on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Learn more about CAMP at their website.

Resources mentioned:

-"The Marshmallow Test" from Tom Wujec's 2010 TedTalk "Build a tower, build a team":


Our book is available now at bravenewwork.com

We want to hear from you. Send your guest ideas and feedback to [email protected]

Looking for some help with your own transformation? Visit theready.com

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