It's the end of the year! And for many of us, that also means the return of the dreaded performance review. As we strive to make our workplaces and organizations more human, how can we reinvent this outdated tradition into something... actually useful?

In this episode of Brave New Work, Aaron Dignan and Rodney Evans discuss how the standard performance management cycle fails both managers and employees, and how we can work toward a better future for feedback.

Mentioned references:

"radical candor" and "feedback" episode: BNW Ep. 13 with Kim Scott

"profit sharing episode": BNW Ep. 36 with Nathan Barry


"Little grain of truth in feedback, and discard everything else": from 15 Commitments of Conscious Leaders by Jim Dethmer, Diana Chapman and Kaley Warner Klemp


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It's the end of the year! And for many of us, that also means the return of the dreaded performance review. As we strive to make our workplaces and organizations more human, how can we reinvent this outdated tradition into something... actually useful?

In this episode of Brave New Work, Aaron Dignan and Rodney Evans discuss how the standard performance management cycle fails both managers and employees, and how we can work toward a better future for feedback.

Mentioned references:

"radical candor" and "feedback" episode: BNW Ep. 13 with Kim Scott

"profit sharing episode": BNW Ep. 36 with Nathan Barry

"Little grain of truth in feedback, and discard everything else": from 15 Commitments of Conscious Leaders by Jim Dethmer, Diana Chapman and Kaley Warner Klemp

Looking for some help with your own transformation? Visit

We want to hear from you. Send your thoughts and feedback to [email protected]

Interesting in working at The Ready? View open positions here.

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