Will Fan is an accomplished business leader, writer, and academic. He is the CEO and Head of School at NewCampus, a prestigious business school catering to emerging leaders in Asia. Prior to this, Will was the co-founder and CEO of QLC, a successful startup focused on virtual internships. Will is also a respected writer and has contributed articles to e27 and Forbes Business Council. Will holds a Bachelor of Commerce and a Bachelor of Laws from UNSW.

“My grandfather who I never met, fled the Vietnam War. He sent his seven kids, in three different parts. One was by foot through Thailand, the other was by boat to Malaysia and the other by train to China. My mom was actually through the train. My grandfather went MIA with my grandmother and two of my uncles never heard from me again. I put together a journal of all those stories of Vietnamese families two years ago with the family and I think a lot about the legacy that his family and our family have built, his brother and all the cousins, including my mom who went to Sydney. I actually felt so proud that was part of a legacy that they built.” - Will Fan

“My LinkedIn has a dove that’s a personal representation of strength. When I'm back against a wall or having a bad day, it allows me to take a step back, reflect and realize it's not that big of a deal, and move forward. I use the word “invincible” as a reminder that the world's not gonna die tomorrow. Just keep moving forward, sleep it off, and restart.” - Will Fan

Read the transcript here at: https://www.bravesea.com/blog/will-fan

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