"At the end of the day, people are, in some weird way, mourning the drop of Sequoia because it feels like it's splitting up. So there's a little bit of grief in the short term. But I think it could be a good thing, honestly, in the medium to long term. Obviously, Hong Shan, they’re going to do what they want to do and invest in what they want to do, and I think it would be a good thing for Peak. Everybody recognizes that Southeast Asia and India are different markets from America and Europe, and it's a very different market from China. So you might let them build a focused approach tailored for the ecosystem." - Jeremy Au

"The Apple Vision Pro could be cool if, like, part of the workflow now is sometimes I'll ask someone, 'Can you read this email? Do I sound angry?' It would be cool if you could be side by side and flick something over to them, like 'Hey, check this.' It seems very possible in the Apple universe, considering we can already share wifi passwords, which is the best feature ever. Why can't you airdrop documents or views back and forth? If that were possible, it would be a lot more interesting and have a more interactive quality." - Shiyan Koh

"There was an article where someone was talking about what was the societal impact of the button. So like in, Google Docs or in Microsoft Word, right? Basically, they're integrating GPT, and so there's a button that's basically just like start writing, and it's always easier to kind of edit than it is to come up with new like de novo stuff. But what does it do to the quality of our thinking as a society if no one has to struggle to come up with new things? Like you just kind of edit derivative things." - Shiyan Koh

During a discussion between Jeremy Au and Shiyan Koh, several key insights were revealed. One notable topic of conversation was Sequoia Capital spinning off HongShan 红杉 and Peak XV. This split was seen as a strategic move to adapt to geopolitical tension, changing VC landscape and better cater to the specific needs of startups in different regions. Additionally, this move reflects the dynamic nature of the VC industry, where adaptability and specialization are crucial for success in a rapidly changing global landscape.

Another significant point of discussion revolved around the Apple Vision Pro. They mentioned the product and contemplated its potential purchase for research purposes. They briefly touched on the contrasting strategies of companies like Tesla and Facebook. While Tesla started with high-end products and gradually expanded to a broader market, Facebook adopted a more affordable and mass-market strategy from the beginning. This comparison highlighted the different business models and revenue streams of these companies.

Furthermore, Jeremy and Shiyan explored the educational and entertainment possibilities of VR and AR. They discussed immersive learning experiences and innovative storytelling in the entertainment industry. Additionally, they considered the social implications of these technologies, including the blurring of physical and virtual boundaries and the impact on human connection and empathy.

Watch, listen or read the full insight at www.bravesea.com/blog/sequoia-capital-spins-off

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