“Grab has laid off 10% of the workforce, which is a very sizeable dynamic. Previously, they have been letting people leave and haven't been adding people. Effectively, a hiring freeze has been a way for them to tighten expenses. I did feel that the communication of it was done straightforwardly and no one's surprised about the layoffs in this crisis of tech winter. Since the announcement, their stock market price has jumped by another 6% and shareholders are appreciative of this move.” - Jeremy Au

“Full employment in Singapore is continuous. There are still jobs people are hiring for. It’s more of taking a job that wasn't necessarily your dream job, thinking about different versions of how your skills can be applied and being open to new opportunities, or taking a bit of time off, regrouping, and doing something independent. The good thing about Singapore is that the costs aren’t totally out of control, whereas in the Bay Area, the housing cost is very high, so it can be quite challenging to stay if you're not getting paid, and that leads to more dislocation.” - Shiyan Koh

“I remember an interesting paper that said that if you graduated during a downturn, your lifetime earnings are some percentage lower. It was an interesting analysis where you have your first job’s salary, then you get increments on that job at your second, third, fourth job. There's an interesting cohort effect where if you graduate in a downturn, you're always one bound smaller in terms of total compensation, which is a tragedy for a lot of people in this current tech space situation. If you're in different verticals like hospitality or communications, there are a lot of jobs that are still available to you, but it's interesting to see that the tech side suddenly loses that shine.” - Jeremy Au

Jeremy Au and Shiyan Koh engaged in a discussion covering various topics, including Elon Musk versus Mark Zuckerberg, the Grab and Gojek layoffs, and the Singapore Press Holdings report. Regarding the hypothetical cage match between Musk and Zuckerberg, Jeremy expressed his bet on Elon Musk, envisioning a media event of significant magnitude. While both individuals shared their perspectives, it remained a light-hearted speculation about the outcome. The discussion then shifted to the layoffs at Grab and Gojek, acknowledging the potential impact on employees. They highlighted the importance of handling such transitions with care and sensitivity, recognizing the challenges faced by those affected.

Lastly, the conversation delved into the Singapore Press Holdings audit report. Jeremy commended the transparency and detail provided in the report, emphasizing the value of acknowledging mistakes and learning from them. Shiyan shared a similar sentiment, valuing the comprehensive nature of the report and the opportunity for accountability and improvement within the organization.

Throughout the conversation, the focus was on understanding different viewpoints and engaging in thoughtful analysis. The discussion highlighted the significance of transparency, empathy in managing layoffs, and the value of comprehensive reports in fostering accountability and improvement within organizations.

Watch, listen or read the full insight at www.bravesea.com/blog/sph-audit-report

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