Quitting your day job to follow your passion is no joke. A decision like this can make or break your career and life, either bringing you the freedom that a 9-5 job cannot offer or making you extremely regretful that you left your stable income stream. This last thought might scare you, but you are not alone. That is completely normal! Leaving your comfort zone is always scary, but just as many have said, growth occurs outside of a comfortable setting.

We know you’ve thought about these things already, and these are the reasons we invited a guest who had been there. Jacinta Gandy, the founder of Social Circles, joins us in this episode to share her experiences in leaving behind her day job to start her own business.

Full Show Notes at https://www.kristisoomer.com/blogs/retail/how-to-quit-your-day-job-ft-jacinta-gandy

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