REMIX: Album 2 Track 21 – Dr. Sydney Seiger, CMO of Vistra Energy 
Hey Brand Nerds! We have another very special guest in our virtual house today and yes our first Doctor!  Sydney earned undergrad, Masters degrees and then a PhD all at Baylor University with her PhD in Applied Social Psychology with an emphasis in quantitative research and advanced analytics.  Sydney is a great listener and so genuine.  Here are some of the wonderful highlights from our conversation:  

• Be thoughtful and strategic before initiating action
• Market research/analytics is a great pathway to the CMO role
• Be open to finding and listening to great mentors (shout out to Dan Valentine and Julie Cary)
• Demonstrate honesty and candor and if you can, do it diplomatically
• Be genuine to who you are and fully leverage that in career and life
• As a marketer, you create value for people that brings you trust,  loyalty and ultimately more value to the company
• Brand purpose is essential foundation for marketing success
• Create emotional connections in otherwise rational category 
• Want customer to feel Supported, assured and worry free
• In marketing department, strive for build a “resume” culture
• Create team environment that is safe and inclusive 
• Diversity is demographic and inclusivity is psychographic

Lastly, we really do appreciate Sydney being an integral part of our conversation involving race.  We think these kind of conversations with Black and White people sharing personal tribulations need to happen and actually don’t have to be difficult, just candid with ears wide open. 

Here are the links to the article and Ted Talk Sydney referenced in the podcast:
Lori Hutcherson article
Ted Talk by Verna Myers 

#sydneyseiger #marketing #branding #thecmoclub # thecmoclubsummit #vistraenergy #fightracism #blacklivesmatter