November 1, 2010 is the third annual "Give Up Your Shoulds" Day, and We Love Soaps' divine Damon L. Jacobs is continuing his crusade to convince us all to live a "should-less" life! The recent rash of gay-related teen suicides has alarmed a great many of us, and Damon is returning to Brandon's Buzz for a very special LIVE event to give us an exclusive sneak peek at his plan of action, as well as to dish about all the hot topics in soapland (including "One Life to Live's" quasi-renewal and Stephanie Forrester's brave battle with stage four cancer!) and whatever else crosses our crazy minds! Tired of thinking you SHOULD join a gym, you SHOULD look for a better job, you SHOULD be a better person, you SHOULD be a positive example in today's world? Ditch the "shoulds" and come join us as a true master teaches us how to take the first step toward a happier existence!