I'm a couple of weeks tardy (dreadful sorry!), but better late than never: Brandon's Buzz premiered on January 14, 2009, and fifty episodes later, the show enters its second year by pausing to look back on its first. Tonight, a two-hour extravaganza featuring the most interesting moments and memories from twelve months of compelling conversations with some of the most fascinating actors and artists of our time. What drove the great Emmy-winning soap writer Pamela K. Long to take over the reins of "Guiding Light" in the early '80s? How does "One Life to Live" star Brett Claywell enjoy working with his incredible co-stars? What did "Dynasty" star Gordon Thomson REALLY think of Charlton Heston? How many of Felicia Gallant's turbans did Linda Dano sneak off with following the cancellation of "Another World"? Find out all of this (and so much more!) as you listen to Brandon's Buzz's Greatest Hits, Vol. 1.