To be an entrepreneur requires hard work, self-discipline, and a tremendous amount of courage. When you are your own boss, there is no one else to look to. Therefore, everything your business needs to succeed requires your efforts and discipline. Today we are joined by the Managing Director of EisnerAmper, Isatou Smith. She is a natural entrepreneur who left a stable corporate role to gain greater autonomy and agency in her personal and professional life. In our conversation, we discuss how Isatou became an entrepreneur and what she's learned from her journey. Isatou shares examples of the challenging moments she has had to endure and ultimately persevere. Isatou also explains why all entrepreneurs need to know themselves very well, why instant gratification is a slippery slope, and how society can break you down if you let it. Finally, we discuss the importance of self-discipline, how to be intentional with how you spend your time, and why goal-setting is an entrepreneurial necessity.

Key Points From This Episode:

Isatou's entrepreneurial journey: when it started, how she chose it, and what she learned. The part of her journey that forced her to endure and persevere. The importance of knowing yourself and what you want very well. Instant gratification and living in a world of 'right now'.How external influences could be detrimental to your entrepreneurial endeavor. The importance of leading both yourself and others as an entrepreneur. Why there's a high risk of burnout and poor mental health when you're your own boss. How to be self-disciplined when given full autonomy.Being intentional with how you spend your time. Why it's important to set goals as an entrepreneur. 

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