Passion fuels authenticity, and authenticity drives change for the better. Everybody can find their passion, but sometimes it just takes a little fuel to ignite this process. As the Director of Business Development for BDO and the co-founder of 503(c)s 100 Women Who Care and 100 Businesses Who Care, Amy Whipple has made caring for others as well as connecting people her passion. She joins us today to weigh in on how to find this powerful emotion, the effects it can have, and a whole lot more. We kick things off by hearing about what passion means to Amy, and she talks about how passionate her aunt was, how it drew people toward her as well as helped her fight Lou Gehrig's disease. The key takeaways here are that good energy is infectious, and that passion can be a driving force to get you through hard times. From there, we dive into the question of how to find your passion, and Amy talks about how helpful it can be to keep doing new things because our passion could be lying on the other side of those experiences. We then get into the idea that challenges drive growth and fuel passion before wrapping up our conversation with a meditation on Bob Burg's notion of the 'go-giver'. By coming into any situation with an authentic will to help others, we will spread positivity, build community, and experience a life of abundance too.

Key Points From This Episode:

The meaning of passion for Amy and the role her aunt played in her idea of this quality.How living passionately drew people to Amy's aunt and helped her fight ALS.The responsibility of leaders to show passion in hard times and set an example.Amy's true passion for making connections; her excitement about learning from others.The contagiousness of good energy; the effects of bringing good energy to situations.Passion as the core driving energy that gets people through hard times.How masks are stunting connection, but technology can help open it up again.Finding the silver linings in our COVID world through passion.The work Amy does with her non-profits and how they help people discover their passions.How looking back at past overcome hurdles can drive passion and authenticity.The need for challenges because they drive growth – dig deeper if everything in your life feels easy.How valuable it is to try new things because new passions could lie in those experiences.The idea that 'finding your passion' is not a lightbulb moment; we can have many passions.Anchoring things you don't enjoy but are good for you in things you are passionate about.Rewards to be reaped by coming into every situation with a mentality of 'what can I give?'Perspectives on being a 'go-giver' when you have too much on your plate already.A suggestion to find time to give to others and make that a passion of yours.

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100 Women Who Care
100 Businesses Who Care
ALS Therapy Development Institute
The Go-Giver
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Branch Out Podcast LinkedIn
Connection Builders LinkedIn

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