As much as humans hate the unknown, the fact is that circumstances always change, so the better we get at adapting, the more chance we have of surviving and thriving. Tom Boniface is Vice President of Business Development with Hilco Global, and he joins us on the show to share the challenges the pandemic posed to his routines and the lessons he learned about adaptation. At the height of the pandemic and a time where social distancing was in full effect, Tom was assigned two new markets to develop and had to figure out how he was going to do this successfully in a remote capacity. Tom is a big subscriber to the E plus R equals O framework, or events plus response equals outcomes. So for him, it was all about changing his response to new events as a way of achieving the desired outcomes. Tom believes that we should not get hung up on a premise that states there is only one way of doing things, and he talks about how reflection, creativity, and believing that anything is possible can help us invent new methods for achieving our goals as our environments change. We also hear from Tom about the way he practiced authenticity with his professional connections, the lesson being that people are always willing to help if you just ask. For all this and more about the best attitude to employ in a constantly changing environment, be sure to tune in today!

Key Points From This Episode:

Changing responses to events to achieve desired outcomes.Finding ways to meet the same goals even when circumstances change.The story of host Alex starting a new business and adapting as COVID struck.Changing your attitude toward shifting circumstances and not getting flustered.Methods Tom used to still build relationships remotely.Positive outcomes of Tom’s changed lifestyle as far as having extra time. Bearing in mind that change is inevitable and being ready to adapt.Taking comfort in the things you can control in times of uncertainty.Tom’s attitude to being assigned two new markets he had to develop remotely.How helpful people can be; how Tom remembered to be vulnerable and ask for help.Not getting hung up on a premise that there is only one way to do things.Remembering to reflect on a new method and revise it.Whether to lean into things you are not good at or work around them.Creating zones for different focuses to deal with living and working at home.Remembering not to give up because you can’t do things in the same way anymore.The way that change encourages one to reshuffle their life in positive ways.Learning to believe that there is always another way of doing something.
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