A New game is HERE!!! We are gearing up for Fallout 111 a 2D20 system by Modiphius Entertainment. A solo adventurers story within the wasteland as Haplo takes the Overseer's chair and guides Brakish through the Great Canadian North. First things first however. Who will Brakish be in this story find out here as we create his character.

Come say high and catch us across social media as well as on Twitch streaming every Friday amongst other random times using our Link Tree https://linktr.ee/Haplo

Interested in learning this game? Go check out https://www.modiphius.net/pages/falloutrpg along with other great games they supply and try something new why don't ya ;)

Use Keyword FICREAL when checking out at https://arkenforge.com/
to save yourself some gold! 

Thanks so much for supporting the show!  Don't be shy and come say Hi sometime. Follow the link tree to find us across social media. Hit those follow and subscribe buttons and leave a rate and review when you can. It helps a SHIT TON!!

Use keyword FICREAL when checking out at www.arkenforge.com to save yourself some gold!!

Use Keyword FICREAL at https://arkenforge.com/ during checkout and save yourself some gold. You wont regret adding this Virtual Table Top program to your games!