With his laser musket loaded and ready nothing is going to stop this teen from making a splash across the wasteland. Duper Pulowski works his way through the Canadian wasteland as he enters the woods in pursuit of a better life.   

Join us across social media and watch some games live across YouTube and Twitch as well as take part in a small but growing community. We would love to hear from you!

Use Arkenforge to take your TTRPG games to the next level. Use Keyword FICREAL at checkout, save money and help support the show.  https://arkenforge.com/

Try Fallout 2D20 for yourself by heading over to https://www.modiphius.net/ and start channeling your inner wastelander,

Use Keyword FICREAL when checking out at https://arkenforge.com/
to save yourself some gold! 

Thanks so much for supporting the show!  Don't be shy and come say Hi sometime. Follow the link tree to find us across social media. Hit those follow and subscribe buttons and leave a rate and review when you can. It helps a SHIT TON!!

Use keyword FICREAL when checking out at www.arkenforge.com to save yourself some gold!!

Use Keyword FICREAL at https://arkenforge.com/ during checkout and save yourself some gold. You wont regret adding this Virtual Table Top program to your games!