RAW is back as we share more of our Live Streams with you while we all wait to get the Outbreak: Undead conclusion and new Fallout story arcs recorded.
The troop presses on this week with some new gear and it doesn't take long for them to get to try them out!

Come see us live on Twitch on Tuesdays and Thursdays this summer around 7pm MST or follow us across Social media to say hi or tell us what you think about the show.

Get Arkenforge for yourself and SAVE at checkout!!!
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Want to try Fallout 2D20 for yourself? Head over to Modiphious Entertainment and witness a huge amount of gaming fun.

Use Keyword FICREAL when checking out at https://arkenforge.com/
to save yourself some gold! 

Thanks so much for supporting the show!  Don't be shy and come say Hi sometime. Follow the link tree to find us across social media. Hit those follow and subscribe buttons and leave a rate and review when you can. It helps a SHIT TON!!

Use keyword FICREAL when checking out at www.arkenforge.com to save yourself some gold!!

Use keyword FICREAL when checking out at www.arkenforge.com to save yourself some gold!!

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.

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