WISP.org donation page: https://wisporg.z2systems.com/np/clients/wisporg/donation.jsp

Mick Douglas (@bettersafetynet on Twitter)

Powercat: https://github.com/besimorhino/powercat

Netcat in a powershell environment



Defenses against powercat? 

LolBins: https://www.cynet.com/blog/what-are-lolbins-and-how-do-attackers-use-them-in-fileless-attacks/

Sigma ruleset: https://www.nextron-systems.com/2018/02/10/write-sigma-rules/#:~:text=Sigma%20is%20an%20open%20standard,grep%20on%20the%20command%20line.

ElasticSearch bought Endgame; https://www.elastic.co/about/press/elastic-announces-intent-to-acquire-endgame


Twitter DM to @bettersafetynet:

Hey... I wanna talk about @hrbrmstr's tweet on the show tonight as well...


My thinking is if Cisco and others didn't try to intentionally downplay vulnerabilities by announcing them on a Friday, would we be more likely to patch sooner? Also, greater need for testing of patches to ensure that 80% of your workforce rely on that technology now. What's worse? Patching on a Friday evening (after several hours explaining the vuln to a manager), and then having it fuck something up so you're up at crack of dawn Monday troubleshooting something missed Friday night because testing was rushed/not conducted because the CEO can't access email?

I have thoughts, I've added this to the show note google doc.

https://www.reddit.com/r/netsec/comments/hwaj6f/nmap_script_fot_cve20203452/  -- nmap PoC script?

Embargoed vulns…

Getting management buy-in to patch 

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