This year at the BrainTap Summit we introduced Dr. Branan Dewees to our partners. Dr. Dewees is a successful chiropractor having owned a chiropractic practice in Hawaii before relocating to Colorado where he was introduced to healing through the use of light, sound, and frequency. Dr. Dewees realized people were searching for health answers while in a highly stressed mindset, which led him to found Kinetic Harmonies. Kinetic Harmonies provides users the tools to relax, rejuvenate and recalibrate the mindset allowing for higher performance and improved decision-making capabilities, which ultimately increases awareness and comprehension when seeking answers to health concerns.
While vibration has been used since ancient times by shamans and healers, a growing body of scientific research is demonstrating that our minds can play a vital role in healing and maintaining good health and wellbeing. We have the power to change our worlds with our thoughts. This concept led Dr. Dewees to the development of his revolutionary product, The Kinetic Harmonies Rejuvenation Lounger, a sound and vibrational experience that leads to deep relaxation within minutes. This is known as the Relaxation Effect. When this occurs the brain releases chemicals and signals which makes your muscles and organs slow down and increases blood flow to the brain. When your body and mind are aligned, you can make lasting, healthy changes. Listen in to hear Dr. Dewees’s entertaining seminar on how and why this works so well!

For more information on Dr. Dewees visit

For more information on Dr. Porter visit

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