This week Dr. Porter sits down with SEO Expert Stephan Spencer to discuss how using SEO, AI
and Online Marketing can help grow your practice. Mr. Spencer is a bestselling author, and
founder of the digital marketing agency Netconcepts. He has 3 books published by O’Reilly: The
Art of SEO, Social eCommerce, & Google Power Search. Stephan is also a serial entrepreneur
with a successful exit in 2010. His clients have included Chanel, Volvo, Sony, and Zappos.
Stephan hosts the wellness and spirituality podcast Get Yourself Optimized and the online
marketing podcast Marketing Speak.
What You’ll Learn:
 What’s broken about website and online marketing
 It’s about who, not how
 How to get excited about AI, not fearful
 What does skate to where the puck is going to be mean?
 Why bad SEO is worse than no SEO

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