This week’s BrainTap Radio podcast features Dr. Ed Plentz of Brooklyn, Michigan. Dr. Plentz believes you are capable of so much more than ordinary and he’s here this week to talk to us about having an Ultimate Breakthrough Experience.

Dr. Plentz is a 1991 graduate of Palmer College of Chiropractic and has run his own successful practice for over 23 years. He also co-owns the The Plentz Academy of Chiropractic and founded the Love Has No Color movement which helps Native American children in Montana. He coaches other chiropractors so they can understand how details matter in having a practice that is hugely successful. He is the author of several books including “Finding that Something Within You,” along with producing CDs, DVDs and other chiropractic tools.

Dr. Plentz’s motto is Healthier People = Healthier Planet. He believes that one huge obstacle is never the reason that people aren’t growing and succeeding but that small things add up. To overcome obstacles, small, consistent steps lead to huge changes. To that end, Dr. Plentz has been leading breakthrough workshops for over eight years. He has helped thousands of professionals, marriages, people suffering from addiction and much more through challenges that do more than test the physical. At the Ultimate Breakthrough, you will be challenged to destroy the mental challenges that have been holding you back from being the ultimate you.

What This Podcast Will Teach You
• How to pursue your dreams and live a life that fulfills you
• How to break out of the daily ruts that are holding you back
• What the Ultimate Breakthrough Challenge weekend can do to change your life
• How to shatter limiting beliefs that are holding you back
• How to enjoy being “uncomfortable” and use it to your advantage
• How to take what you learn in the Ultimate Breakthrough Weekend and apply it to your entire life to keep reaching and surpassing your goals
• How to sign up for the Ultimate Breakthrough weekend and how to receive $100 off the admission by being a BrainTap Radio listener

Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 517-902-8208
BrainTap Listener Special Link for Event: This link gives our listeners $100 off the event. This link expires on 3/11.
After 3/11 to purchase event tickets: