This week on the BrainTap Business Journal Podcast we’re in for a special treat. We are joined via prerecorded session by Dr. Vivek Kumar Sharma from the BrainTap Summit this past March 2019. Dr. Sharma treated our attendees to an insightful hour-long seminar looking at the recent updates with BrainTap research in India and how the world is in desperate need of the mind-body connection in medicine and how it can benefit our health. Join us this week and listen in to Dr. Sharma’s entire seminar and learn how modern science and thousand-year-old holistic practices can join together in today’s modern world to help you create the best version of yourself. He also gives some incredible results from research studies he and his team are conducting with BrainTap and how it is changing the world of the mind-body connection. Listen now!
For more information on Dr. Porter visit
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