Next Episode: The Future is Here!

This week on the BrainTap Business Journal podcast we have our friend, Dr. Bob Hoffman. Dr. Hoffman is the founder of The Master’s Circle, a unique leadership training program and practice building organization that helps chiropractors build their practices to astounding heights. The Master’s Circle helps chiropractic practices change from strategy-based where the doctor simply tells the patient what to do, to identity-based where the chiropractor is coached on learning more about their patients so they can create a more personal care plan that is both successful and effective.
Dr. Hoffman was gracious enough to lend his expertise to our Partnership Summit in March of this year. He shared some invaluable information on effectively implementing BrainTap into a brain-based wellness practice. Listen in and you’ll hear how important it is to not only implement BrainTap in your practice but how to utilize the technology yourself. Dr. Hoffman also explains the process of effective communication, so your message is clearly delivered, received and understood by not only prospective clients but current clients to get them committed to your programs. Dr. Hoffman also gives his top tips for communicating with certainty, setting up programs in your clinic and how to charge for your services so you benefit and your clients see the benefits of what you’re offering. He also shares the one critical question to ask your clients after they’ve tested the BrainTap in your office. This is information you do not want to miss!
If you’re looking to take your practice to the next level but you’re just not quite sure where to start, be sure to tune in now!
For more information on Dr. Hoffman and The Master’s Circle, visit
For more information on Dr. Porter visit
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