Welcome to the BrainTap Business Journal podcast. Today we have on Jonathan Jacques, a social media influencer, magician, and philanthropist. He uses the power of social media platforms to captivate millions of viewers and raise awareness for important causes all over the world. In this podcast, Jonathan reveals how to market your product and services through social media and how you can start leveraging content to build an even bigger audience using his online social media course.

Join Dr. Porter and Jonathan Jacques as they discuss the importance of building the right audience for your business and how simply having the right people to share your content with can make all the difference to help spread your message. Watch now to learn more about how Jonathan Jacques is innovating social media and how you can go viral too.

Watch the video! Follow along to this podcast on our YouTube channel! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FC5c9PGJfaU&feature=youtu.be

Learn more about Jonathan Jacques and his social media marketing here https://www.jonjacques.com/braintap

To learn more about Dr. Porter and to try the BrainTap Pro mobile app for free, click here http://braintap.pro/