This week on the BrainTap Business Journal Podcast, Dr. Porter was joined by Dr. William
Doreste. Dr. Doreste is a 1985 graduate of New York Chiropractic College and a member the
New York Chiropractic Council. He is also the chief executive officer of Cranial Release
Technique, Inc., a national training institute that he founded in 2005. The institute is dedicated
to the advancement of the Cranial Release Technique® (CRT) as a vital tool for healthcare
practitioners worldwide in promoting wellness and reducing stress in patients and clients.

The Cranial Release Technique, Inc. training institute has accredited healthcare providers
located in the US, Canada, Mexico, UK, Australia, Spain, South Korea, Curacao and Israel. We
have also collaborated with numerous professional associations in the fields of chiropractic and
other alternative medicine associations. In addition to his extensive experience training
practitioners in cranial-related systems, Dr. Doreste has conducted educational programs on
workforce health and safety for a wide range of corporations and labor organizations. Among
them are Federal Express, United Parcel Service, American Airlines, Marriott Hotels, Coca-Cola,
Budweiser, New York City Emergency Medical Services, the District Council of Carpenters, and
the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers.

Cranial Release Technique represents a true advancement in cranial-based health care. This
procedure, which takes only minutes to perform, has the potential to make a real and lasting
difference in the way chiropractors practice. The Cranial Release Online Training Program
represents the very finest in developing practitioners skilled in the art, science and philosophy
of the Cranial Release Technique.

What You’ll Learn:

- The importance of the cranium in healthcare
- The role the Cranial Release Technique can play in maximizing one’s health and wellness
- How the Cranial Release Technique is a gentle, one minute, hands-on technique that is
easily incorporated into any practice
- The importance of the dura mater
- The importance of having modalities such as Cranial Release Technique available to you

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